The key to the competitiveness of our products is unique machinery and trained operators. For the production of spiral HSS tools, a 9-axis grinding machine from Guehring is used, equipped with CNC profiling of the grinding wheel and a power output on the main spindle of 58 kW. For tool sharpening and production, there are also CNC sharpening machines from Schneeberger and Ulmer, which finish HSS and carbide tools and grind shapes according to DXF. The production and sharpening of broaching mandrels up to a length of 1200 mm is carried out on the CORVUS BBA. Lathes, milling machines and grinding machines are used for the preparation of semi-finished products. Manual sharpening machines, a wheel straightener, opto-electronic gauges and an engraving laser complete the machine park. The combination of CNC controlled and conventional machines enables efficient and economical production of small and medium series.